Coterie ~ an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose.
I believe sex transcends the holy realms. I believe in soul mates. I believe eroticism can be intensely spiritual. I believe there is a magical power, awakened only when twin souls unite. Where that energy aligns, when those hearts come together, it brings balance to the unseen layers of our world. It calms the grieving mind and heals the tortured heart. It fuses in the most powerful physical bliss you will ever know. Allow me to take you on an unforgettable journey to the heart of everything I believe. Welcome to the erotic romances of Elle Dakros... Believe Again in the Magic of Soul Mates.

The Dark Rose Coterie

In 17th-century France, a covert group of noblemen, met under cover of darkness at an isolated location to discuss how best to further their cause. Passionate in their desire to protect the lives and honor of the women they cherished in l'amour courtois, Les Dominants bound themselves with an oath, inaugurating a clandestine society they christened "La Coterie Noire de Rose".

Over a century later, the French Revolution arrived with its Reign of Terror. Still true to the vision of La Coterie's founders and loyal to their oath, the current generation escaped the guillotine by seeking more hospitable realms. Delighted to find among their new compatriots like-minded gentlemen who wished to take the oath and further the cause, they founded new chapters in Spain (La Tertulia Oscura de Rose), Portugal (A Confraria Escura de Rosa), Russia (Темный розовый комитет) and England (The Dark Rose Coterie).
In the ensuing decades, religious and sexual persecution strengthened and defined them. Influenced by Enlightenment philosophers Locke and Voltaire, and later by Kierkegaard, their conviction that God Himself was the author of their sexual desires grew. Along with this understanding came acceptance that their appetites deviated from the norm and could only be satisfied in specific exchanges with their partners. They further decreed that any woman brave enough to shun the dictates of society and consent to sating such appetites must be protected from scandal and reproach at any cost. Over the centuries the Coterie has fought for the rights of women world-wide and established a long history of being the voice for those not allowed to speak for themselves.

However, a great shift occurred during the sexual revolution of the nineteen sixties. As women fought for their sexual freedom, many members saw an end to the need for the Coterie and for a time, it looked as if the society would die out. A small band of men, seeing the darker side of the sexual revolution and a new risk to women, took the cause in a different direction. As the idea of free love swept a nation and women fought for equality, the men of the Coterie began to assert that sex, no matter how physically pleasurable, was incomplete without a spiritual connection. For the first time since their origin, they added to the original tenets and the Dark Rose Coterie moved into a new generation infused with a new purpose and rekindled passion.

In the current day they remain a spiritually-bonded international guild whose primary directives are to remain true to God, the calling of chivalry, and to protect the Coterie and its members even to death. To become a member, one must be nominated from within the existing body, however, offers of membership rarely occur. Once an invitation is accepted, the initiate swears an oath to be bound by the Coterie's Tenets and Code of Ethics, pledging fealty unto death. The ceremony culminates with a ritual branding of the new member.

Most who have heard whispers of the legendary society claim that the Dark Rose Coterie exists only as myth, while others believe it to be a cult of vigilantes. In truth, its members come together with a single desire to stand true to themselves and the God who calls them and each man operates with the hope of finding the one woman who will bring completion to his soul.

The Tenets ~

To protect women from abusive practices, such as rape and torture. To police the safe, sane and consensual nature of sexual relationships involving servage, discipline, dominance et soumission, sadisme et masochisme. To fight for sexual freedom and equality worldwide. To defend the guild itself.

Added in 1968 ~

Consensual seeking of pleasure with unlimited numbers of willing and experienced women in search of the same, is permissible without commitment. However, initiating a woman into the  lifestyle without a formal commitment of protection lasting until the woman requests its end formally, is considered unchivalrous and will result in excommunication. An offer of protection is not an offer of a lifelong bonding which remains sacred as despite the new acceptance of sex-without-commitment and divorce within society, we believe the claiming or ownership of a woman to be sacrosanct and beyond questioning.

The Oath ~

I pledge my life to God and the protection of women and my brothers. I agree to these tenets as law and I accept them as my binds as I move forward in this life. I will always be true to my needs and I will always respect the women I find to meet those needs. Should I ever be gifted with the mate of my soul, I pledge to claim and protect her until death.

My lips will neither disparage nor endanger La Coterie Noire de Rose.

Sexual and religious freedom ignite a fire in my soul and I devote my life to furthering the cause. Wherever I may find myself, I will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, fight for those who have fallen, and safeguard those in need of protection. Whatever is asked by my brothers, regardless of the risk to either my freedom or my life, I will do, from now until the day of my death.

These things I speak with knowledge, understanding, and acceptance. Always be true. Always be chivalrous. Always be ready to kill everyone in the room.

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